it is easy to hear her words
in the phone conversation
it can't be taken for granted
it must be a passed down___blessing
of sorts
so my son puts my grand daughter on the phone now
these simple gifts
these precious moments
like paintings of wax fruit
little girls with big eyes
velvet elvis crying in the ghetto
where is my heart in all of that?
dusty books pointed a way long ago
the direction was to go against the current
swim it or swallow it
never stop
looking for the mentor of my minds eye
searching out the feelings that are left
like crumbs on a lonely trail of tears
you said for us to make the honey into homespun
threads of love that tied every line together
brought every word into sunlight
gave every rhyme a shelter in
a torrent of digital rain
it is cleaner in my mind thanks to your broom of phrases
simpler times call for simpler words so we can come
down from all mountain tops to sit by your fire
old man with candies in his pocket hands
them out one by one
even if the bitter one gets unwrapped in my hand
tears of joy fill my eyes for what I taste and smell
tagged with your words as lines unbroken until broken
then reformed
as brittle
gathered in
your wheelbarrow
of ripened fruit
preserved forever
as love
in any season