Friday, September 9, 2011

Sitting Down for a Moment as Gary Snyder walks Away

Sitting Down for a Moment as Gary Snyder walks Away

so early becomes so late becomes so early again
like a spiral staircase of dreams and trials
each one dissolves into the next
no angels with trumpets
to herald us forward
no vacant being
of existence
leaving us
for dead
here now
the wisest is
the young daughter
of the craftspeople's church
where the family beckons all
to come back into the fold of the town
located on the outskirts of the great city
that is part of a like-minded country of folks
who have all built something here together as one
where they say in all places blessed I may still find loneliness
there is no despair in it for me as I know you will always be waiting
to welcome me back into something akin to a home in the dusk lit by the last magic
beholding failing beams of translucent glory overwhelming all these considerations of
philosopher's words in the last moment of breath of heartquake of shiver of death of peace

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