ignorance walks alone at night in the jungle like a tiger
anger is no place to hide from the timing of right now
sections of self get peeled away against the resistance
like jaggedness to the blind on illuminated pathways
in the classification of souls there are many kinds of holy
holiness is hardly understood by the wholly mind of holy people
all souls rooted in the sojourn rule eternal as if immortal
those that are held by time are nine fold into nothingness
those that have stood at rest upon repentance are six fold
as such with no window into redemption but not forsaken
those souls that have self-originated possess an utterance
of the ineffable truth
(an utterance) existing only in relation to the power of eternal
life and light
there are four types of these souls
the first are as angels on high
supporting light from below
backs arching against the
weight of life as it is
lived among us
the second are those that love truth
they seek it no matter what
the balance or consequence
the third are those that love hope
until all ends, bitter or sweet
in the face of all dangers
against all odds
the lastly, not least
are those that simply believe in this
illuminations originating from within
are incapable of not being connected
to those that are illuminated throughout
the expanding universal explosion
with the ultimate faith of life never ending
that in every explosion there is creation
in every death there is life
of the death of every life
or the birth of every light
for it has a radiance
in all its agreements
that can never be hidden
never be captured
never even be taken
for granted
or overtaken by fear
it is peaceful forever
inside you with wisdom
even tigers change direction
as it approaches them
through the jungle at night
it cannot be trapped for its brightness
from darkness it will always break free
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